rimidalu.init( )

// Who am I anyway...


I'm Uladzimir.

I'm a fullstack developer.

about( 'me' )

// More about me...

I am currently looking for a job as a fullStack developer.

I also consider positions as a backEnd / frontEnd developer.

At the moment I am working in frontend development based on the React framework, TypeScript and Material UI. I also have tasks to implement Apollo GraphQL and Express.js queries. I have experience in team development using Git, Jira, Trello, designing database and creating CRUD, REST, API and working with user interfaces.

I constantly develop professional skills by taking courses on Freecodecamp, Linkedin, Coursera, RS School and solving problems on Codewars. I'd like to be in a team / company working on an interesting product. I am currently working from Belarus, but I am ready for relocation. More details about my skills, technologies and experience can be found in the resume.

Thank You in advance and have a good day!

console.info(my.skills[ ])

// Tools, Languages & Frameworks/Libraries...

I am proficient in:

Familiar skills

Had experience of using:

my.works[ my.works.lenght - 1 ]

// My Projects. You can see more by clicking on the project card.

you.contact( 'me' )

// From here you can contact me.